Saturday, August 8, 2009

All You Can Eat BIRTHDAY!!

*sings Happy Birthday song to Tiqah*

Happy birthday to Hjh Nur Atiqah bte Hj Suhaili (is that right?)

8E LOVES YOU TIQAH!!!! and so does watermelon ;D hahahahahaha

Have fun and thanks for the FOOD!!!!!!!!

p/s: pictures will be there sooooon ;D so u just have to wait!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Family Day @ Muara Beach :)

Today (was today since i had some problems with the internet msa atu) FAMILY DAY @ MUARA BEACH SIUUKKKKKKK!!!!

Ada pics pulang not that muchhhh so,,,, what we did ada banyak some of them are:

-Below 10 years kah? Donut Eating Contest (I know its lame but, banyak CHOCOLATE flavor ones hahahahaha if only 1 was 10 xD )

I know this part nda bnyak pics but most of them are like,,,,, u hav to turn ur head around xD

-Also below 10 i think, Scavenger Hunting (for little little kids)

-Then the cari partner game: teenagers only

(No pictures sorry!)

p/s: Abg and nazneen dragged me the wrong way!!! u shud see wat happened

-Then the??? I'll just random it up :) The picture hunt!!! (Y)

take pictures of sumting kinda like savenger hunting hahahaha

The Acai

The Watertanks

The 2 people wear white

The group member wearing a so called "Cowboy Hat"

Finally the Tong Sampah

I cheated... use ZOOOOOOM hahahaha

-Then the.......husband wife game: Tie tying! hHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf?!

The so called "Winner"

Nobody really knew who won =_____________= HAHAHHAHAHA

-The fill water in a bottle game! hahahahah won 2nd place

(No pictures SORRY!)

-3-legged race!!!! (Also known as the "Tooth Patah-er")

(No pictures sorry!)

-Partner finding!! (Husband wife, Parent child)

The belle family came just in time!! ahahahahaha

The "Princess" of random: Belle HAHAHAH XD

The pusing or the finding??

Before starting (I dont think there is an after picture hahaha)

Cheking the blindfolds ehhh?

I think its the pusing2 part....

Oooooopsssss no aftr picture! HAHAHAHAH kaka billah won 1st if im not mistaken she thought kaymi was her ibu hahahah caliiiiii,,,, kaymi yg kana bubut by kaka billah (Y)

-Then stuff happened,, not sure wat happened pulang cuz i was busy playing volleyball hahahaha

-The "GirlPower" and the "......." play rugby (with a soccer ball -________-")

The guys planning how to beat the girls
Uhhhh,, relaxing much?
START!!! lol

-Family picture time!

Can u guys find me? i know i cant xD

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rocking Family Fun Night! \m/

Well tonight,,, me, abg n babah play guitar hero brabisly HAHAHAHAHA it all started frm abg mau aku main guitar hero wif him then we play2 and guess siapa jua yg blik2 manang?? HAHAHAHAHA aku lerrr~ aku game-addict so aku manang laaaa~ then lapas dinner kmi sambung lgi and then abg pnya "SORE LOSER" personality datang tiaaaa blik2 ia restart the lagu we were playing ahhhhh (the song was Misery Bussiness-Paramore) HAHAHAHA so babah ganti ia, and then sma jua msih the situation aku jua blik2 manang \m/ smpai kna suruh change my difficulty to "EASY" haahahahahahaah xP aku manang jua msihhh,,, i almost lost tpi i use "STARPOWER" which my dad had no clue wat it is xD HAHAHAHAHAHAH malas ku bgi tau, krg ia manang tia sja~ shhhhhhhh~~ dont tell ahhhhh ;) ;) kay?? thats our little secret kayy?? mun ia tau i blame u guys -.- HAHAHAHAHA tarus2 blame arh org (A) bahh,,, bu byessss

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Did you remember to eat your medicine yet? No? I'll help give it to you!

Taught him a lesson or to about remembering to eat ur medicine ;D kannn fiq? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i was sooooo mean bnarrrr in HIS face HAHAHAHAHAH teaches him not to mess with MY friends (Y) diam tarus HAHAHAHAHAH btw,, to that guy.... i wouldn't mind if i lost cause losing is another step to winning! :P Hav fun reading the chat again and again :P :P :P

ps: You guys wouldn't like it if I'm mad
pps: If u hate me, U'll hate me more if I'm mad
ppps: Mess with my friends, you mess with moi

Friday, June 19, 2009

Buang-ing my boredom *rolls eyes*

Today, my turn to use the lappy and aku bored entah apa kan di buat hahahahaha.... still missing BASE berabisly mcm msa atu camping hahahahaha.... i still want to use the ps2 for some reason hahahahaha aku btah udah nda pkai waaaa!!! uhhhhh,,, lets see,, if i use the lappy to go on9 and use the ps2 to take my boredom away,,, does that counts?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA multi-tasking!!! \m/ wtf?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA this is just to buang my boredom byeee~

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Late Pictures of BASE Science & Technology Week (Last Day)

Me and Alai

Zanna and Me

The retard and the Mum

The winners \m/

Evrybody pnya daleng xP

Fair is fair, it records us, I take a picture of it

Guess siapa pnya tangan is that skinny xP

Where am I? Taking the picture DUH!

Guess siapa pnya sock??

FFS (Friends For Sale)

Syaf Harun:

Status: Kapeh 400 thousand++

Pets: Nyaleh frm-

  • toilet
  • date
  • bully org
  • kissing xD
Tdi me n hanny berabut mmbali si syafiq atu, and guess what??? Ia pulang yg jdi kaya ani wahhhh!!! Useless bnar,,,, si may berabut abg si Matt wif this guy ani enth siapa namanya LOL berabis ia kn mau abg si Matt atu they dont evn look alike (Matt and abgnya) xD Thats all just to buang boreng vavyessssssssss

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bored,,, so bored,,,

Hi evrybody, I'm sooooooo bored todayyyyy... I NEED to use the lappy psl krg ada org atu kn pakai *points* u know??? ia sudah ysterday the WHOLE day pkai aku main ps2 jua gnya nahhhh,, to make tings fair,,, aku pkai lappy today the WHOLE day jua... tpi i donno wat to do othr than play ps2!!!! me iz mizzing meh ps2 sudah!!! ada wii aku main GH jua gnya kn?? mmmbahhh byee~

MY holiday just STARTED yesterday =_=

My holiday FINALLY STARTED, bcuz BASE and org kahwins sja blik2 aku mesti ikut not enough time for me to be sleeping or doing wat my 'schedule' says on holidays =_______= as if aku ada schedule xP i dont mind ikuting BASE again and i DO mind to go to org kahwins,, me is hating to be waitinx outside if panas xPPP in general i hate attending org kahwin. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU GUYS, CUZ MINE JUST STARTED YESTERDAY XD

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

OMG = Oh My God is tonight's word from May HM ;D

OMG OMG OMG OMG,,,,, she keeps saying it and guess who she got it from????

= SBAntimony ahahahahaha..... apaaaaaaannnnn hahahaha lameeee


Get it??? He keeps saying it, si May pun ikut2 juaaa ;D Good Luck May!!!

OMG xD (majalismmmm bnar)

The happy OMG-ians Boon and May =)

BASE Science and Technology Week (Last Day) =(

Today was like...... OMG!!! Hahahahahaha wtf? Our school (MSPSBS) won 1st place babehhhhh at the science project competition adn 2nd place for CD-ROM competiotion and 2nd place Chung Hwa atthe science project, 1st at the CD-ROM ting. Aku hyper tdiiiiiiiiii and aku mlas blik from PTE!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz ada org atuuuu *points* I is in <3 with her waaaa. And the othr reason is psl me is not wanting to go away and start holiday away from my 'new' friends!!! I tink kmi won 2nd place arh CD-ROM atu psl Sir Mubarak bnyak ia tukar2 MY slides waaaa!!! Me is not wanting to be going home hahahahaha bida!!!!! XD XD Guess what????? Sir Mubarak lanja kmi JOLLIBEE~~~ HAHAHAHAHA kmi msa atu preliminary round majal2 Sir untk lnja kmi hahahaha then akhirnya kna lanja juaaaaa me miss her and them alreadyy!!! <3 <3 BASE will always be in my heart. WE (me, mum, jon and may and Sir Mubarak) made a GINORMOUS mess arh jollibee pnya table!! hahahaha kesian cleaners-nya tuuu hahahahaha.